Category Archives: Reader’s Comments

Dr. Steve Ryang

…….I was very impressed with the depth and breath of your book and your amazing recollections of your young childhood with such details and perception.  As an ophthalmologist, I appreciated your precise description of your eye surgery experience at that young age.  I thought your candid feelings that you have expressed in your relationship with your family and friends were truly unusual for an Asian person.  Your commend of  English as your second language is no less astounding…..

Professor Lee Jong-Wan, Yanbian University of Science & Technology, China

Dear Mrs. Bukaty,

My name is Lee Jong Wan, English professor at Yanbian University of Science & Technology. I have recently read your book, Grace Notes and I have enjoyed it very much. I would like to congratulate you on your accomplishment of having written the amazing book. I have been impressed with your keen observation, sharp memory, detailed reminiscence, appropriate expression, rich vocabulary, excellent English, and refined sentence structure.

As an English teacher, I have learned a great deal from the book. I recommended it to my colleagues and my son, Jim Lee, chaplain at Oaks Christian High School in California. He was as impressed as I was. I wish you more success with the wonderful book.

I have also listened to your fantastic performance of Boccherini’s Cello Concerto on the Internet. It sounded heavenly. I believe you still play the instrument. My hobby is the classical music and I love especially violin and cello music. My favorite violinist is Sarah Chang. I am an armature singer with a baritone voice. I used to be a broadcaster at KBS, CBS and Voice of America. May the blessings of the Lord be with you and your family always.

Prof. Lee Jong Wan

Gloria Quirk

July 28, 2009

Message: Dear Sang:  I want to tell you how extremely proud I am of you!!
This book made me want to cry at times, laugh at times, and filled my heart with joy!!!  It is truly a masterpiece!!!

Dana Donihue

July 16, 2009

Hi Sang!  I just finished your book.  It took me two days to read, i could not put it down.  Wow! i don’t know where to start. Yes, I do….I am so proud of you!  You have been telling me for years about your book and after reading it, I can understand why it took so long to write. Your story brought out a myriad of emotions.  I was entranced and enchanted as I turned the pages.  I laughed, I had empathy pangs, i cried, I felt myself being pulled into your life.  Your girls are so lucky and blessed to have you for their mom.  Great Job!

Stephanie is reading it next, then Ron, then my mom…I know they will enjoy your book as much as I have. I hope all is well with you and Dan, your daughters and your precious grandchildren.  Take care….Love, Dana