Category Archives: Events

Sue Daley’s Book Club, comprised of Former and Current Hoag Hospital Employees, invites Sang

Sang’s dear friend, Sue Daley and her book club, which is comprised of former and current Hoag Hospital employees, invited Sang to discuss Grace Notes at their monthly meeting on January 18th at Sue’s lovely newly remodeled home in Mesa Verde. Everyone gave 8’s and 9’s in their customary grading scale of 1-10. Comments were made about the Korean culture, school system and Sang’s family.  Agnes, who was not able to attend sent her comments, in which she expressed Sang’s father being her favorite person in the book for loving, accepting and encouraging Sang.

UC Irvine, the 25th Annual Rainbow Festival and Conference, “Leading Women of the World”

  • On November 3rd, 2009, Friends, students and faculty members filled the Ring Room at the Cross Cultural Center at UCI.  Sponsored by the CCC, the Rainbow Festival and Conference is an annual campus-wide event that celebrates cultural and ethnic diversity.  This years’ theme, “Leading Women of the World” featured Sang on the first day for her informative Power Point presentation and Book signing of her book, Grace Notes.  Korean food was served by six members from IKPA, Irvine Korean Parents Association, in Korean traditional Han-Bock.  Everyone in attendance enjoyed the Korean cuisine, compliments of the Korean Consulate General and Koba Tofu Grill in Irvine, CA.

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Rainbow Festival, 2009


GRACE NOTES – Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty

Ring Room, Cross-Cultural Center
Tuesday, November 3rd / Noon – 1pm

Rainbow Festival, 2009 Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty book coverGrace Notes is a memoir of Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty, a Korean-American mother who grew up in Korea during the Korean war, earned national fame as a cellist, and adjusted to a new life in a foreign land while raising second-generation children as true Americans. Grace Notes describes Korean traditions and culture, including holidays, the art of kimchee-making, the structure of Korean families, the funeral process, and the experience of going to an elite music high school and college. The only book written by a first generation Korean, Grace Notes is a timeless story that spans two cultures, two continents, and two languages as it speaks of the universal love connecting sister to sister, mother to daughter, and wife to husband. A book signing will follow the presentation.

The Cross-Cultural Center

in conjunctin with Verison Wireless presents

Rainbow Festival & Conference 2009


GRACE NOTES – Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty

November 3, 2009


Location: Ring Room

Cross-Cultural Center
Co-SponsorsThe Asian American Studies Department, The Center for Asian Studies, the UCI Bookstore, and the Korean American Student Association. Korean cuisine compliments of the Korean Consulate General and Koba Tofu Grill.

Book Signing at OCKCC, Oct. 10 2009

Book Signing at Orange County Korean Cultural Center Membership Drive/Art Award Ceremony, at the Irvine Regional Park. Sang donated the proceeds from the sale of her book, Grace Notes, to OCKCC building project.