"Southern california is my desk" SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2009

Watching Someone Get Published
My friend Sang Bukaty just published her book “Grace Notes.” It is a memoir about her childhood in Korea and her journey to the United States as a cello student in the 1960’s. I learned so much about Korean culture and the Korean immigrant experience in the United States from her book. I met Sang about three years in a class at UC Irvine. I was very intimidated when I first met her because she already had an enormous binder full of a draft of her book. After that we were in a private writing group together and I got to hear sometimes sizable portions of her book.

What a thrill to see it listed on Amazon.com and to hold a hefty copy in my hand! I have learned a lot about the editing and publishing process from watching Sang go on her journey with this book. I am so proud of her for sticking with it and having a finished product.

